


durability, road surface, polymer fibers, transport construction, soil strengthening, cement


As a result of the increase in traffic’s intensity, there is a premature destruction of road surface, which in turn requires significant costs for repair work. One of the main reasons is the increase in load tension, due to the fact that road clothing is often subjected to loads significantly exceeding its limit. Therefore, new, increased requirements must be placed on the road surface and subgrade soil to ensure the normal operation of the road, its durability and to ensure traffic safety. Traditional solutions for increasing the load-carrying capacity of road surface by thickening its layers do not fully solve the problem of increasing the overall strength of road surface, and therefore do not provide the necessary durability. In many cases, local weak soils are used for the construction of highway subgrades, the replacement of which with another soil is economically impractical. Insufficient deformation indicators, as well as low strength, lead to the occurrence of shifts of layers relative to each other in the subsoil, which in turn induces the occurrence of various damages and deformations on the coating. The work provides an analysis of the historical stages of the development of soil strengthening. An analysis of experimental studies of the influence of soil consolidation on improving their physical and mechanical characteristics has been carried out.


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How to Cite

Гаркуша, М. В. (2024). APPLICATION OF SOIL REINFORCEMENT IN TRANSPORT CONSTRUCTION. Airport Planning, Construction and Maintenance Journal, (3), 21–29.