airport, horizontal human projection, pedestrian flow density, flow speed, flow widthAbstract
The work is based on theoretical and experimental studies of the peculiarities and regularities of pedestrian movement. On the basis of the conducted experimental studies, the main approaches to the organization of pedestrian traffic on the territory of airport complexes in the airports of Ukraine were determined, and the main characteristics of pedestrian traffic were investigated: the speed of pedestrian movement, the density of pedestrian flow. Based on the obtained results, the dependence between the density and speed of pedestrian traffic on the territory of the airports was revealed. The maximum horizontal projection area of a person with suitcases and a comfortable flow density at the maximum projection area are set. The dependence of the speed of the human flow on its density was considered, and a method was proposed for determining the width of the section of movement of passengers with luggage, taking into account the area of the horizontal projection of a person. The minimum width of the pedestrian path for a passenger with luggage on the territory of the airport complex was determined, and the parameters of passenger flows based on the area per passenger were determined. In the process of experimental research, the areas of horizontal projections of people with various luggage and children were established.
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