


tailing storage facility, tailings dam classification, dam-break, seepage, water balance


Mineral beneficiation is a set of processes for processing mineral raw materials to extract useful components from them. As a result of mineral beneficiation, two main products are obtained: commercial product (concentrate, pellets) and tailings (left-over materials from the processing of mined ore). The tailings are stored in a tailings storage facility, a special hydraulic structure for receiving and storing solid and liquid mineral processing waste. These hydraulic structures are involved in the technological cycle of the plant and pose significant environmental risks, especially when they are designed, built and operated without adhering to regulatory standards and recommendations. The tailings storage facility is part of the tailings management system of the plant, along with tailings transportation systems and water recycling systems. In the design, construction, and operation of tailings storage facilities, particular attention is paid to their reliability and safety, as failure of such structures can have catastrophic consequences. The reliability and safety of tailings storage facilities depend on the design decisions made based on engineering surveys, monitoring of the technical condition, and stability analysis with consideration of the specifics of constructing such facilities. Tailings dams are designed, constructed, operated and maintained in accordance with the relevant regulations and standards. This paper presents a review and a comparative analysis of the requirements of Ukrainian standards with international standards in the design of tailings dams.


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