


acrylic copolymer additive, durability, transport construction, soil strengthening, soil stabilization, cement.


Abstract. Increasingly, the construction of transport construction facilities is carried out in difficult engineering and geological conditions. Therefore, weak soils are used as building material, which require further stabilization and strengthening to ensure the reliability and durability of the construction object. A wide variety of soils used in construction have a significant deterioration of mechanical properties due to the influence of climatic factors, which significantly affect their bearing capacity. Therefore, the application of stabilization and strengthening measures for these types of soils is almost the only measure that makes it possible to use them in construction. Neglecting measures to stabilize and strengthen the soil, as a rule, leads to uneven settlement of the base, as well as to the loss of its stability. The most common material with stable physical and mechanical properties for soil stabilization and strengthening is cement. Modification of cement, for strengthening and stabilization of soil, with various polymeric additives has been widely practiced during the last few decades. The main reason for this use of materials is that the reinforced material is prone to the formation of shrinkage cracks, which over time can be reflected through the asphalt concrete or cement concrete layers of the road surface to the surface after construction, as well as to increase the waterproofing and frost resistance of reinforced and stabilized soils. Today, it is promising to use an acrylic copolymer additive with cement to strengthen and stabilize soils. The use of this combination for soil strengthening and stabilization makes it possible to obtain the most effective binder. The use of acrylic copolymer additives with cement can be used for construction, reconstruction, and repair in order to ensure durability, economy of structures, reduction of material consumption and construction periods. The paper provides an analysis of the possibility of using an acrylic copolymer additive for strengthening and stabilizing soils in construction.


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How to Cite

Гаркуша , М. В., & Гаркуша, І. Ю. (2025). APPLICATION OF ACRYLIC COPOLYMER ADDITIVES FOR STRENGTHENING AND STABILIZATION OF SOILS IN CONSTRUCTION. Airport Planning, Construction and Maintenance Journal, (4), 33–39.