



infrastructure, restoration, modernization, air transport, innovations, land resources, economic development.


Abstract. The article was dedicated to the analysis and assessment of the prospects for the restoration of Mykolaiv International Airport after the end of hostilities. The study considered potential sources of funding, including international aid, private sector investments, and state investments, as well as strategic directions and programs for the airport's recovery and development. Particular attention was paid to territorial planning, including infrastructure projects, the development of adjacent areas, environmental initiatives, and collaboration with local communities. The article emphasized the importance of integrating airport infrastructure with other elements of urban and regional development, ensuring efficient access for passengers and cargo, which would contribute to the region's economic growth and social stability. Additionally, it discussed the balance between economic, social, and environmental aspects, which was crucial for the sustainable development of airports and their effective long-term operation. The importance of considering international experience in the field of airport recovery and development was particularly highlighted, as it could significantly enhance the effectiveness of reconstruction projects. The article also analyzed the possible challenges related to the restoration of infrastructure in the context of post-war stabilization. The role of the airport as a strategic hub for stimulating the regional economy and strengthening connections with international transport corridors was considered. Recommendations for further development and modernization of the airport, taking into account modern technological solutions and environmental standards, were proposed.


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