


topographic and geodetic works, engineering facilities, geodetic instruments, geodetic reference networks, global positioning system, digital terrain model.


Abstract. The article discusses in detail the performance of topographic and geodetic works and surveys, which are an important part of all construction processes. Geodetic surveys provide information on the correct location of buildings, roads, communication systems and other engineering facilities in space with high accuracy and taking into account all geometric parameters. The article considers the surveying of a road section and the establishment of the geodetic network using a modern high-precision electronic total station. The instrument is equipped with a remote communication module that receives notifications of available internal software updates. A network of active base stations from System Solutions LLC (Kyiv) was used for the topographic survey. The Real Time Kinematic network made it possible to receive corrections to the measurements and determine the location with centimeter accuracy in real time. The results of the survey are presented in the form of a vector digital terrain model, in which all data on the plan of the existing road and its profile were determined with high accuracy. The technology of geodetic works discussed in the article can be applied in the process of major repairs of roads and other construction works. As a result of topographic and geodetic works are obtained topographic plans, which can be used for a wide range of purposes, such as territory exploration, construction planning, military operations, development of local plans and in other areas where detailed geodetic information is required.


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