


airport, transport and transfer hubs, zoning transport and transfer hubs, terminal area.


Abstract. The work is based on theoretical and experimental studies of the territory of transport and transfer hubs (TTH) in airports. On the basis of the conducted experimental studies, the main zones of the territory of TTH were determined with indicators of the areas of the corresponding areas. On the basis of the obtained results, the total areas and dimensions of the transport and transfer hubs of Ukrainian and foreign airports were determined. Three zones for the organization and formation of TTH at airports have been established: the transport and pedestrian zone, the zone of architectural structures and the reserve zone. The main components and planning structure of transport and transfer hubs and their functional characteristics on the territory of airports are defined. The analysis of the territory of the transport and transfer hubs created an opportunity to identify the main transport and pedestrian zone of its formation. Thanks to the study of the zoning of TTH of Ukrainian and foreign airports, the average percentage values of the areas of the respective zones were revealed. On the basis of the generalized results of the analysis of the territories of TTH of airports with a passenger flow of up to 10 million passes/year, the largest zone of the transport hub site was established – the zone of parking places and road sections. The conducted study of the functional zoning of TTH created an opportunity to use the established indicators of their areas for the design of new or reconstruction of existing terminal areas on the territory of airport complexes. A study of the planning solutions of transport and transfer hubs on the territory of airports established that their optimal set indicators of areas contribute to increasing the efficiency of passenger service, reducing travel time and increasing the level of satisfaction with airport services.


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How to Cite

Пустовойт, Р. О. (2025). FUNCTIONAL ZONING OF THE TERRITORY OF TRANSPORT AND TRANSFER NODES IN AIRPORTS. Airport Planning, Construction and Maintenance Journal, (4), 96–103.