


computer technologies, pavement classification rating, aircraft classification rating, artificial intelligence, method of least squares, airfield rigid pavement.


Abstract. This paper is dedicated to the specifics of using artificial intelligence for determining the classification rating of airfield rigid pavements. Artificial intelligence (AI) is the behavior of a computer system that simulates the decision-making process of a human. The International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) has adopted a new method called Aircraft Classification Rating/Pavement Classification Rating (ACR/PCR), which will replace the Aircraft Classification Number Pavement Classification Number (ACN/PCN) method. ACR is the aircraft classification rating, defined as twice the permissible wheel load, expressed in hundreds of kilograms. PCR is the classification rating of airfield pavement, defined as the ACR of the “critical” or reference aircraft at its maximum permissible takeoff weignt. Due to the introduction of ICAO's new ACR/PCR method, there is a need to adapt the Ukrainian methodology to meet these new requirements. Using the ICAO ACR computer program, the ACR classification rating for various values of standard load on a four-wheel support was determined. One of the areas where AI has a significant impact is in regression analysis. The article examines the use of AI, specifically ChatGPT, for regression analysis in determining the classification rating of airfield rigid pavements. Empirical formulas for determining the airfield rigid pavement classification rating (PCR) for four categories of subgrade strength have been obtained. AI chatbots ChatGPT can be used for regression analysis, it does not provide immediate numerical answers, and further calculations require using a program developed by ChatGPT. Computer modeling technologies and artificial intelligence have the potential to improve airport construction.


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