


airport, station area, pedestrian flow, traffic flow, pedestrian traffic, transport traffic, vehicle, transport node.


Abstract. The aim of the study is to analyze the domestic experience regarding the planning solutions of airport forecourts and their impact on pedestrian and transport flows. The article presents typical schemes of Ukrainian airport forecourts by the shape of the site and the location of access roads to the forecourts. Directions for the improvement and development of pedestrian and transport movements in the airport forecourts are considered. The article provides generalized results of planning solutions for airport forecourts and identifies directions for improving measures for organizing the movement of pedestrians and vehicles in the areas of airport complexes. The analysis of current planning solutions for airport forecourts allowed for their classification by the shape of the forecourt and highlighted typical schemes based on the location of the access road to the forecourt itself. The conducted analysis and research of planning solutions for airport forecourts on the territory of airport complexes revealed that the formation of transport interchange hubs mainly occurs based on forecourts. The study of planning decisions of station areas on the territory of airports established that their optimal planning organization contributes to increasing the efficiency of passenger service, reducing travel time and increasing the level of satisfaction with airport services. The method of calculating the level of pedestrian service was analyzed, which allowed to improve the functioning of the station areas with the determination of the optimal parameters of pedestrian paths on the territory of the airport complexes. This methodology calculates the minimum requirements for the capacity of footpaths. These requirements are intended to determine the minimum width of the pedestrian zone necessary for the safe and convenient movement of people.


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