Peer-review process

Airport Planning, Construction and Maintenance Journal uses the procedure of Double-Blind Peer Review:

– the reviewer does not know the personal data of the author / authors;

– the author (s) do not know the personal data of the reviewer.

Scientific articles submitted to the editorial board are subject to initial consideration regarding compliance with the technical design requirements set out on the website and plagiarism testing.

Then, in accordance with the formal requirements and the absence of violations of publishing ethics, the manuscript is submitted for review.

When considering scientific articles, the reviewer determines:

- correspondence of the article to the subject of the journal;

- relevance of the subject of the publication;

- originality and significance of research results;

- quality of presentation of material;

- practical significance of the publication;

- observance by authors of scientific ethics, correctness of registration, citation of sources, etc.

After independent review of the article, the reviewer can:

- recommend the article for publication;

- recommend the article for publication after correction by the author, taking into account the comments and suggestions;

- do not recommend the article for publication.

The review is expected to be completed within three weeks. Reviewers are involved from among recognized scientists on a voluntary basis.

The final conclusion on the publication of materials is approved by the editorial board of the journal.

After the decision to publish is made, the executive secretary informs the authors of the article.