street network, traffic flows, pedestrian traffic, vehicle, traffic jamAbstract
The paper examines the main problems of the functioning of the street network of cities. An analysis of the main requirements and needs of urban traffic regarding the classification of streets in populated areas was carried out. Considered the possibilities of using the principles of the hierarchy of city streets, their division and subordination depending on the functional requirements placed on them. The main factors influencing the assignment of city streets to a certain category in relation to their functional purpose are characterized. The functional purpose of the streets and roads of settlements mainly depends on the functional purpose of the territory of the settlement and the nature of its development. A brief description of the periods of formation of the legislative and regulatory framework regarding the establishment of the classification of streets, which is in force today in our country, is given. The main approaches and principles underlying the classification of streets and roads of settlements in some countries of the world are considered, which can serve as a basis for improving the existing classification in our country. The meaning and classification of streets and roads is defined for the correct construction of the system of street communication routes and the creation of safe and convenient conditions for the organization of traffic and pedestrian traffic. The main approaches to improving the classification of the street and road network of Ukrainian cities are highlighted.
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