hard coating, deformation seam, composite reinforcement, road, airfield.Abstract
Abstract. The results of the verification calculations of the stress-strain state of the elements of the rigid pavements of the road with composite reinforcement in the deformation joints under standard operating loads and prospective loads simulating the landing of an airplane are given. A complicating condition was the need to install a cable crossing under the road. As part of the highway construction project in certain geological conditions, calculations of the stress-strain state of the pavement elements were performed in PC "LIRA CAD" taking into account deformations of the soil base. The results of the calculations showed that, even in difficult conditions of prospective loading of the road and weakening by the cable transition, the composite reinforcement in the deformation joints and in the bottom reinforcement of the cable transition plate fully ensures the reliability of the hard cover with the consequences class CC3. Compared to A500C metal reinforcement, the consumption of composite reinforcement for reinforcing the cable transition plate gives a significant saving in weight for composite reinforcement AKС800 at the level of 27%, and for AKС1000 – 32%. The given results confirm the assumptions regarding the use of composite reinforcement in hard pavements of highways and airfields as an alternative to metal. But for this, you need to solve a number of rather complex problems, namely, regarding the stress-strain state of elements of various structures of rigid road surfaces and airfields in a wide range of operational loads.
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